
DI Herwig Langthaler

Hochstrasse 44
2380 Perchtoldsdorf
UID: ATU61909518

Business purpose

Consulting, Section management consulting and information technology

Purpose of this website

Corporate and product presentation


The information provided on this website has been carefully checked. However, no guarantee can be given for accuracy, completeness and currency of the information provided. As an information platform, this website contains links to third party websites, the contents of which cannot be controlled by us. Access to the content of external websites is thus at your own risk and at your own accountability. The operators of these external websites are exclusively responsible for their content.

Webdesign and programming

Byway OG, Graz


Kanižaj, Marija-M. – life photograph

Schulz, Philipp

© DI Herwig Langthaler – Copyright reserved.